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Founded in 2016 and launched in 2018 Lyon Air Museum Media Group is the premiere place for aviation, automobiles, Lyon Air Museum, and The Greatest Generation. 
The group currently operates Lyon TV, Lyon Air Museum Radio, On the Flight Line with Marcus Gropl, Lyon TV 360, and Lyon Air Museum Creative. The goal of the Lyon Air Museum Media Group is to record, archive, and distribute content to its audience that pertains to Aviation, Automobiles, but also assists in preserving the greatest generation. Its ventures include one-on-one interviews, video/audio content, media production, and technology.

Lyon Air Museum's Media is distributed on multiple platforms that include social media, podcast networks, and its main website.
The Team are always on hand at any Lyon Air Museum Participating Event to grab footage, interviews, and more.
Marcus currently serves as the Director of Corporate Development for Martin Aviation and Lyon Air Museum. He also is the Lead Presenter and Content Editor for the Lyon Air Museum Media Group
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